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Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs

What is a Brown Marmorated Stink Bug?

Stink bugs are large, oval or shield-shaped insects. Their name comes from the odor of the chemical they produce in the glands on their abdomen. Scientists suspect this odor might be a defense against predators.

Identifying Characteristics

Depending upon the species, adults can reach almost two centimeters in length. Their bodies are almost as wide as they are long, and adult stink bugs can fly fairly well. They keep their wings folded over their backs when they land, and their long legs extend from the sides of the body.

The most common stink bugs are green or brown in their adult stage, while the juvenile stink bugs tend to range in color from black to yellowish, and can change color throughout their development. Young brown marmorated sting bug have red eyes as an easily identifiable marking.

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Behaviors:

  • These bugs feed on plants for their survival. Thus, they can become a serious threat to certain crops. If they attack fruits, such as peaches or apples, they can make the fruit unfit for consumption.
  • Stink bugs can become household pests when they invade homes for warmth in the winter, which is common here in Alabama. The insects have a tendency to crawl into the home through small cracks or holes, and remain hidden through the winter before becoming active in the spring.
  • After resting through the winter, stink bugs often come out into common living spaces along walls or near windows as the temperature warms up.
  • When the weather begins to turn into spring, it’s common for stink bugs to appear in large numbers, which can be distressing to some homeowners.

Inspection and Control Measures:

  • Check for cracks and crevices in walls and the foundation, as well as the seals around windows and doors.
  • Any insects that enter the structure should be vacuumed or picked up for removal A handheld vacuum is great for sucking up these pests. Removing the insects promptly from the vacuum will eliminate stagnated odors left behind in the vacuum canister, by the chemicals secreted from the bugs. Basically, they’re called stink bugs for a reason, and don’t let that reason linger in the vacuum canister.
  • Any attempt to spray these insects inside a structure will generally not result in a favorable outcome. This type of pest can only be exterminated when coming into direct contact with the proper material or chemicals.
  • An experienced and licensed pest control professional may be consulted to apply interior and exterior products that are appropriate to reduce the number of these pests.

If you think there may be unwanted pests in your home or business, contact us for a free estimate. 

Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs in North Alabama and Southern Tennessee

Serving North Central Alabama and South Central Tennessee

Limestone County


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